Probe Pulse Width Test

Direct-Observe Tests

Tune the probe on the test sample. Collect a spectrum and set the transmitter frequency on the peak to be observed. Measure the 180 degree pulse; divide this value in half to get the 90 degree pulse width.
Nucleus Sample
1H 0.1% chloroform in acetone-d6
19F 0.05% trifluorotoluene in benzene-d6
31P 5mM triphenylphosphate in DMSO-d6
13C 40% p-dioxane in benzene-d6
15N 90% formamide in DMSO-d6
39K 0.2M KF in 10% D2O/90% H2O

Direct-Observe Specifications

Values are in units of microseconds.
Probe 1H 19F 31P13C 15N39K
I-500 HCN tri-axis< 8 --- --- --- --- --- ---
I-500 HCN Z-axis < 8 --- --- --- --- --- ---
I-500 HCX < 10 --- --- --- --- --- ---
I-500 BB --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
I-400 4nuc+ --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
I-400 5mm BB --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
I-400 10mm BB --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
I-400 Inv < 10 < 15 --- --- --- --- ---
Gem-300 quad < 15 < 20 < 12 --- --- --- ---
VXR-400 BB --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Indirect-Observe Tests

Tune the probe on the test sample. Collect a 1H spectrum and set the transmitter frequency between the X-nucleus-labeled peaks to be observed. Measure the 180 degree pulse; divide this value in half to get the 90 degree pulse width. Perform the following experiment:
90(H) - 1/2JXH - pulse(X) - Acquire
Nucleus Sample JXH

Direct-Observe Specifications

Values are in units of microseconds.
Probe 13C 15N
I-500 HCN tri-axis< 13 < 40
I-500 HCN Z-axis < 13 < 40
I-500 HCX < 22 < 30
I-400 Inv < 12 < 25

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Last updated: December 29, 1999
Copyright 1997, The Trustees of Indiana University