Probe Sensitivity Test

1H Sensitivity

Use the 0.1% ethylbenzene in CDCl3 in a Wilmad 528-PP NMR tube to measure the 1H sensitivity. Optimize tuning and shimming and obtain a very accurate 90 degree pulse. Set d1 to 60 seconds, nt=1 and lb=1. Array the gain from 0 to 30 in increments of 5. Type ai and then ga to collect your spectra. You should not acquire any dummy scans. Expand the display to observe the quartet at ~3ppm and the downfield noise region between 3 and 7 ppm. Phase the spectra and then set your cursors to a delta value of 200 Hz. Measure the signal/noise ratio by typing dsnmax. You should place your cursors as far upfield as possible in the displayed window to start the measurement. Record your highest value for posting to the NMR web site and the NMR Facility's spectrometer performance database.

19F Sensivity

Use the 0.05% trifluorotoluene in benzene-d6 in a Wilmad 528-PP NMR tube to measure the 19F sensitivity. Optimize tuning and shimming and obtain a very accurate 90 degree pulse. Set d1 to 60 seconds, nt=1 and lb=1. Array the gain from 0 to 30 in increments of 5. Type ai and then ga to collect your spectra. You should not acquire any dummy scans. Display the full spectra. Phase the spectra and then set your cursors to a delta value of 200 Hz. Measure the signal/noise ratio by typing dsnmax. You should place your cursors as far upfield as possible in the displayed window to start the measurement. Record your highest value for posting to the NMR web site and the NMR Facility's spectrometer performance database.

31P Sensivity

Use the 0.0485M triphenylphosphate in CDCl3 in a Wilmad 528-PP NMR tube to measure the 31P sensitivity. Optimize tuning and shimming and obtain a very accurate 90 degree pulse. Set d1 to 60 seconds, nt=1 and lb=1. Array the gain from 0 to 30 in increments of 5. Type ai and then ga to collect your spectra. You should not acquire any dummy scans. Display the full spectra. Phase the spectra and then set your cursors to a delta value of 2000 Hz. Measure the signal/noise ratio by typing dsnmax. You should place your cursors as far upfield as possible in the displayed window to start the measurement. Record your highest value for posting to the NMR web site and the NMR Facility's spectrometer performance database.

13C Sensivity

Use the 40% p-dioxane in benzene-d6 in a Wilmad 528-PP NMR tube to measure the 13C sensitivity. Optimize tuning and shimming and obtain a very accurate 90 degree pulse. Set d1 to 480 seconds, nt=1, lb=1, and dm='nnn'. Array the gain from 0 to 60 (or the maximum obtainable value) in increments of 5. Type ai and then ga to collect your spectra. You should not acquire any dummy scans. Display the full spectra. Phase the spectra and then set your cursors to a delta value of 1400 Hz. Measure the signal/noise ratio of the benzene triplet at ~7.2ppm by typing dsnmax. You should place your cursors as far upfield as possible in the displayed window to start the measurement. Record your highest value for posting to the NMR web site and the NMR Facility's spectrometer performance database.

15N Sensivity

Use the 90% formamide in DMSO-d6 in a Wilmad 528-PP NMR tube to measure the 15N sensitivity. Optimize tuning and shimming and obtain a very accurate 90 degree pulse. Set d1 to 100 seconds, nt=1 and lb=1. Array the gain from 0 to 30 in increments of 5. Type ai and then ga to collect your spectra. You should not acquire any dummy scans. Display the full spectra. Phase the spectra and then set your cursors to a delta value of 100 Hz. Measure the signal/noise ratio by typing dsnmax. You should place your cursors as far upfield as possible in the displayed window to start the measurement. Record your highest value for posting to the NMR web site and the NMR Facility's spectrometer performance database.

39K Sensivity

Use the 0.2M KF in 10% D2O/90% H2O in a Wilmad 528-PP NMR tube to measure the 39K sensitivity. Optimize tuning and shimming and obtain a very accurate 90 degree pulse. Set d1 to 100 seconds, nt=1 and lb=1. Array the gain from 0 to 30 in increments of 5. Type ai and then ga to collect your spectra. You should not acquire any dummy scans. Display the full spectra. Phase the spectra and then set your cursors to a delta value of 200 Hz. Measure the signal/noise ratio by typing dsnmax. You should place your cursors as far upfield as possible in the displayed window to start the measurement. Record your highest value for posting to the NMR web site and the NMR Facility's spectrometer performance database.

Sensitivity Specifications

Probe 1H 19F 31P13C 15N39K
I-500 HCN 673:1 636:1 --- --- --- ---
I-500 HCX 741:1 577:1 --- --- --- ---
I-500 BB --- --- 214:1 229:1 46:1 ---
I-400 4nuc+ 173:1 140:1 203:1 227:1 --- ---
I-400 5mm BB 152:1 57:1 108:1 128:1 5.5:1---
I-400 10mm BB --- --- --- --- --- 71:1
I-400 Inv 417:1 --- --- --- --- ---
Gem-300 quad 108.8:192:1 69:1 84:1 --- ---
VXR-400 BB 75:1 --- --- 127:1 --- ---

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Last updated: June 18th, 1999
Copyright 1997, The Trustees of Indiana University