BIONMR Useful Links

BioNMR Research Groups:
Lewis Kay’s Group at the University of Toronto
A Bax Group at NIDDK, NIH, Bethethda
The Wagner Lab at Harvard Medical School
The  Palmer Lab at Columbia University, Manhattan
Wuthich Lab at ETH Hönggerberg ; or  Wuthrich Lab at TSRI

NMR data process Software:
NMR data analysis Software:
1. nmrviewJ ——2. CCPN-analysis ——3. CARA1.8.4 ——4. Sparky3.1
NMR structure calculation Software:
1. CYANA3.96 ——2. ARIA2.3 ——3. Xplor-NIH2.35
Molecule Graphics Software:
1. MOLMOL ——2. PYMOL(offical website, need to buy) or (You also can search free download version by yourself.)

NMR commercial items ordering websites:
NMR tube: 1. NORELL ——2. ChemGlass ——3. Sigma-Aldrich
NMR Isotopes: 1. Cambridge Isotope Laboratories Inc. ——2.  Sigma-Aldrich

MEM vitamins solution (100x) can be ordered from Fisher Scientific Catalog#: 11120052.

NMR Spectrometer vendors:

Hongwei edited on 3/19/2014
updated on 12/08

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