

The NMR Facility staff has developed a new user training procedure to acquaint you with the facility’s capabilities and teach you to independently generate high quality NMR spectra. This procedure also helps you to keep the spectrometers in good shape for you and the other 100+ users. This is not an exam. Please consider this procedure as a method through which you and the Facility staff can begin to interact to support your research with NMR spectroscopy throughout your research at Indiana University. You MUST complete the introductory training before you can use the spectrometers.

1. Fill out the Request for NMR User Training form and return it to the NMR Facility staff. It’s a good idea to wait until you plan to routinely run NMR experiments for research before doing the training.

2. You will be contacted by email to schedule an introductory training session with NMR Facility staff, or stop by the facility At least one training session with a staff member must be completed to use the spectrometers, after which you may schedule additional training sessions with the Facility staff and/or you may also be trained by other experienced users. The first training session will take about 2 hours.

3. At first, practice using the spectrometers with research samples between 8am and 5pm weekdays (i.e., when staff is present in the Facility).

4. Training sessions for more advanced NMR, in particular how to run and process common 2D experiments, are offered typically at least once a year.


  • General
    Useful 1D Commands (PDF)
    VnmrJ 1D Quick Guide (PDF)
    VnmrJ 2D Quick Guide (PDF)
    User Training Manual (PDF)
  • Experiments
    T1 Measurement (PDF)
    2D COSY and DQCOSY (PDF)
    2D HMQC and HSQC (PDF)
    2D HMBC and CIGAR (PDF)
    2D NOESY and ROESY (PDF)
    1D Selective NOESY and ROESY (PDF)
    DPFGSE Self Diffusion (PDF)
  • Others
    Mnova Training Slides (PDF)

NMR Solvent Chart (PDF)

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