Email NMR data

You can email your NMR data in the current experiment (e.g. exp2) or a .fid data file you saved on spectrometers or workstations within VnmrJ, using the macro commands emaildata or vnmremail.

The default email address can be set by the parameter email (e.g. in the VnmrJ command line, type email=’’). If you don’t set this parameter (i.e. email=”), the default email address would be

To email NMR data in the current experiment:
– to your default email address: type emaildata
– to an email address you provide: emaildata(‘’)
– to multiple email addresses: emaildata(‘””‘)

Data is sent as an attachement, with a name in format of (e.g.

To email a saved .fid data file in your home directory:
– to your default email address: type vnmremail(‘filename.fid’)
– to an email address you provide: vnmremail(‘filename.fid’, ‘’)
– to multiple email addresses: vnmremail(‘filename.fid’, ‘””‘)
– to email multiple .fid files: vnmremail(‘”filename1.fid filename2.fid”‘, ‘’)

For .fid data file(s) in other directories, you need to provide a path with the filename. For example, vnmremail(‘/home/xgao/vnmrsys/data/test.fid’, ‘’) or vnmremail(‘vnmrsys/data/test.fid’, ‘’).

NMR data files are compressed and archived into .zip format, which can be read by Mnova without need of unzip. However, If you use other programs to process the data, you may need to unzip the files first with winzip, 7-zip, or other unzip utility programs.

You may use the emaildata command with wexp parameter to set up your experiment to email the data automatically when the experiment completes, e.g. type wexp(’emaildata’) or wexp(‘process emaildata’) before start the experiment with au.

emaildata was written by Frank Gao. vnmremail came with Chempack but has been modified by Frank. Contact Frank for any questions or comments.

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