
We use Varian/Agilent VnmrJ on instruments and Linux workstations. We also license Mnova (Mestrenova) NMR program and ACD/NMR Predictor and support the free SpinWorks spin simulation package. These are installed on the walkup PC in the Chemistry NMR lab. NMR facility personnel have experience with many other NMR packages so if you can’t find what you need – ask!

We have a multiple seat license for Mnova NMR maintained by ITG. This is a popular package for offline NMR processing and preparing spectra for publications and presentations. Our package also includes two plugins qNMR and RM (Reaction Monitoring). You may download and install this software on your computer, following the installation guide here .

Bruker provides TopSpin for NMR data processing free of charge for academic and non-profit use.  You can download and install Bruker TopSpin on your device. To access the latest version of TopSpin, visit this link and follow the instructions provided. A detailed guideline for downloading and installing TopSpin on your computer can be found here.

ACD/NMR Predictor is installed on the walkup PC in the NMR lab C237. It is most used for 1H and 13C chemical shift prediction and includes 19F, 31P and 15N prediction.

SpinWorks is a free NMR software developed by Kirk Marat for 1D and 2D data processing, spin simulation and dynamic analysis (using DNMR3 or Mexico). It’s installed on the walkup NMR lab PC. Users can download it from the SpinWorks website and install it on your own PC. Here is the IU installation guide. There is also a Java version available for MacOS and Linux. Please refer to the SpinWorks website.

HypNMR is used in some labs to determinine equilibrium constants from NMR kinetics data.

WinSCP is a recommended package for transfer of NMR data.

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