How to set up expt. on Bruker Avance Neo 600

1. ej and ij to eject or insert your nmr sample with holder.

2. edte to change the temperature you want, (chiller is set to “medium” when 15°C ≤ T ≤    30°C; “high” when 5°C ≤ T < 15°C; and “off” when  T > 30°C).

3. new to open a dataset you want.

4. lock to lock to the right solvent.

5. atma to automatically do tuning and matching, (or atmm to manually adjust).

6. topshim 1d ordmax=5

    topshim 1d ordmax=8  [or topshim shigemi if using a shigemi tube]

    topshim tune tunea

    topshim report

7. getprosol to read in the parameters from probe file.

8. pulsecal to calibrate 1H 90.

9. O1cal to get o1 value; or use gs under zgpr, or use popt; (and then edprosol, and           input the calibrated H1 pw90 and calculate and save, if needed).

    getprosol again

10. eda to update other parameters: ns, sw, sw1, sw2, o2, o3, check “ –DLABEL_CN” option.

11. rga to get right rg

12. zg to start the current expt. (multizg to start multi expts. in one directory)

13. rser 1 — to check how the first fid looks like.


     .ph — phasing; put mouse on “0” button and move up and down;

     xfb — 2D Fourier transform

     rsh — read shimming file


Hongwei updated on 9/14/2021

edited on 6/11/18

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