sofast package setup notes on B600

Sofast package has been installed in our B600 system and some commonly used ones (2, 6, 16) are successfully tested here. Please refer J Biomol NMR (2016) 66:259-271. And also Method in Enzymology (2019) 614: 107-142.

Summarized some points here:

  1. As usual, after insert your sample, use new to open a new expt. folder (the N15 hsqc — hsqcetf3gpsi sequence is good), adjust Temp., lock, tune, topshim, and calibrate H1 pw90° and find O1 by pulsecal, O1Cal (or use gs under zgpr expt.).
  2. open another new expt. folder using the above expt. parameters, and then under this new expt., type sofast in the command line, and a pdf file is popped up, and choose the expt.# you want, and use the calibrated parameters as inputs to finish set up sofast sequence expt..
  3. I always used d1 = 0.4 s or 0.45 s for cryoprobe reason even if it can be less from some comments in the sequences files; and acquisition time <0.065 s, especially for sf_C13_hmqc.
  4. Carefully follow the instructions of every sequence comments notes; the default parameters are very useful; adjust mixing time d8, as needed.
  5. Can be run in NUS.
  6. Read package instructions if you get poor water suppression.


2     2D  13C  HMQC for methyl CH3

6     3D  HMQC-NOESY-HMQC for  Cm(F1)- Cm(F2)Hm(F3)

16   3D  NOESY-HMQC for             Hm(F1)- Cm(F2)Hm(F3)

All can be run in NUS.



Hongwei updated on 9/14/2021

edited on 2/15/2021

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